  • Ear Flex

    Getting your corn planting population dialed in is essential when optimizing yield and profit. Ear type is an important agronomic trait to consider when optimizing planting population.
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  • Planting Soybeans Early

    Depending on crop rotation, fall tillage, and acreage, there may be perceived constraints to some growers being able to do so, however, there are several reasons why it should be considered.
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  • Corn Seeding: Proper Depth is Crucial

    And just like that, planting season is right around corner. When it comes to planting corn, it is important to get the depth right, as it is essential for proper root development, growth, and maturity.
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  • 5 Takeaways for Corn Grazing Considerations

    In February, 2021, PRIDE Seeds hosted a virtual corn grazing webinar with Dr. Bart Lardner, a Professor in the Department of Animal and Poultry Science at the University of Saskatchewan. The following are five key take-away’s from his presentation.
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  • How to Make Your Planter Dance

    Setting up your equipment correctly can help make the difference between a good season and an outstanding season. Spending the time up front can deliver big return on yield at the end of the season.
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  • Seed Treatments: Protecting your investment during the critical early developmental stages

    The use of seed treatments has become a standard agronomic practice for many farmers across all crop types, including in Western Canada. Seed treatments are a major tool in the farmers ‘toolbox’ for pursuing higher yields.
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  • Plot Results and Interpreting Data

    Fertility plans, equipment modifications and of course, seed selection for the next growing season is top of mind for many farming operations. Below are a few things that your PRIDE Seeds Agronomists encourage you to consider when making your seed decisions for 2021.
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  • Taking Good Silage Samples

    This article provides a checklist to follow to help ensure you are taking good silage samples.
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  • What you need to know about grain corn late in the season

    The key is understanding that each field’s Yield influencing factors are different. Getting an understanding of these factors can help boost productivity from field to field and ultimately across a farm.
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