A7790G8 RIB

  • Plant at medium to higher populations for optimum performance. Very good choice for no-till and continuous corn systems. Works well in most soil types but performance may not be maximized in clay soils Position for exceptional grain quality and high test weight consistency. A great late-harvest option. Slower grain drydown suggests it should not be positioned north of maturity zone, unless for feed purposes.

Product Features

  • Proven agronomically complete
  • Outstanding grain quality and test weight across all soil types
  • Long, consistent ears with eye-catching looks
  • Very strong agronomics support higher plant populations
  • Well-balanced plant with visually attractive plant and ear stature
  • Exceptional ear size consistency
107 Relative Maturity
  • CHU:
  • Mid Flowering (GDU):
  • Black Layer (GDU):
  • Husk Coverage:
  • Final Population:

Product Characteristics



  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very Good
  • Excellent

Spring Vigour

  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very Good
  • Excellent


  • Early
  • Early Avg
  • Average
  • Late

Harvest Timing

  • Timely
  • Flexible

Drought Tolerance

  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very Good
  • Excellent

Plant Structure

Root Strength

  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very Good
  • Excellent

Stalk Strength

  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very Good
  • Excellent


  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very Good
  • Excellent

Plant Height

  • Short
  • Medium
  • Medium Tall
  • Tall

Ear Height

  • Low
  • Medium/Low
  • Medium
  • Medium/High
  • High


Ear Type

  • Fixed
  • Semi-Flex
  • Flexible


  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very Good
  • Excellent

Disease Tolerance

Goss's Wilt

  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very Good
  • Excellent

Gibberella Ear Mould

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3